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Example - Creating a domain into RedDog’s built-in schema


This step-by-step guide is intended to create a domain RDAP object for RedDog:

Create the zone or TLD, in this case our TLD is “example”

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`zone` (`zone_id`, `zone_name`) VALUES ('1', 'example');

Create a domain, this domain is called “myfirstdomain”

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain` (`dom_id`, `dom_handle`, `dom_unicode_name`, `dom_port43`, `zone_id`) VALUES ('1', 'dom_handle_1', 'myfirstdomain', '', '1');

Create the event “registration” for the new domain, eac_id is a catalog

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`event` (`eve_id`, `eac_id`, `eve_date`) VALUES ('1', '1', '20191031');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain_events` (`dom_id`, `eve_id`) VALUES ('1', '1');

Create new status for the domain, also a catalog

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain_status` (`dom_id`, `sta_id`) VALUES ('1', '3');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain_status` (`dom_id`, `sta_id`) VALUES ('1', '4');

Create two nameservers or hosts for our new domain.

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`nameserver` (`nse_id`, `nse_handle`, `nse_unicode_name`) VALUES ('1', 'ns_handle_1', 'ns1.myfirstdomain.example');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`nameserver_status` (`nse_id`, `sta_id`) VALUES ('1', '11');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('1', '1', '4', INET_ATON(''));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('2', '1', '4', INET_ATON(''));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('3', '1', '6', INET6_ATON('2001:db8::123'));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('4', '1', '6', INET6_ATON('2001:db8::124'));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`event` (`eve_id`, `eac_id`, `eve_date`) VALUES ('2', '1', '20191031');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`nameserver_events` (`nse_id`, `eve_id`) VALUES ('1', '2');

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`nameserver` (`nse_id`, `nse_handle`, `nse_unicode_name`) VALUES ('2', 'ns_handle_2', 'ns2.myfirstdomain.example');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`nameserver_status` (`nse_id`, `sta_id`) VALUES ('2', '11');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('5', '2', '4', INET_ATON(''));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('6', '2', '4', INET_ATON(''));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('7', '2', '6', INET6_ATON('2001:db8::125'));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`ip_address` (`iad_id`, `nse_id`, `iad_type`, `iad_value`) VALUES ('8', '2', '6', INET6_ATON('2001:db8::126'));
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`event` (`eve_id`, `eac_id`, `eve_date`) VALUES ('3', '1', '20191031');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`nameserver_events` (`nse_id`, `eve_id`) VALUES ('2', '3');

Then link the new nameservers to the domain

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain_nameservers` (`dom_id`, `nse_id`) VALUES ('1', '1');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain_nameservers` (`dom_id`, `nse_id`) VALUES ('1', '2');

Create an entity that represent a registrar, this entity could be linked to more domains that are related to this registrar. (rol_id is a catalog)

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity` (`ent_id`, `ent_handle`) VALUES ('1', 'registrar1');
-- rol_id is a catalog
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity_role` (`ent_id`, `rol_id`) VALUES ('1', '6');
-- Create the contact information
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`vcard` (`vca_id`, `vca_name`, `vca_company_name`, `vca_company_url`, `vca_email`, `vca_voice`, `vca_fax`, `vca_job_title`) VALUES ('1', 'Domains4Everyone', 'Dom4E', 'example.org', 'contact@example.org', '4511231234', '', '');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`vcard_postal_info` (`vpi_id`, `vca_id`, `vpi_type`, `vpi_country`, `vpi_country_code`, `vpi_city`, `vpi_street1`, `vpi_state`, `vpi_postal_code`) VALUES ('1', '1', '', 'US', 'US', 'TX', 'street1', 'TX', '78520');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity_contact` (`ent_id`, `vca_id`) VALUES ('1', '1');
-- Because this entity is a registrar, It could have a public ID
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`public_id` (`pid_id`, `pid_type`, `pid_identifier`) VALUES ('1', 'IANA PublicID', '123456789');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity_public_ids` (`ent_id`, `pid_id`) VALUES ('1', '1');

Now we create an abuse contact for the registrar

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity` (`ent_id`, `ent_handle`) VALUES ('2', 'registrar1_abuse');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`vcard` (`vca_id`, `vca_name`, `vca_company_name`, `vca_email`, `vca_voice`, `vca_job_title`) VALUES ('2', 'John Doe', 'Dom4e', 'abuse@example.org', '4511231234', 'abuse contact');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`vcard_postal_info` (`vpi_id`, `vca_id`, `vpi_country`, `vpi_country_code`, `vpi_city`, `vpi_street1`, `vpi_state`, `vpi_postal_code`) VALUES ('2', '2', 'US', 'US', 'TX', 'street1', 'TX', '78520');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity_contact` (`ent_id`, `vca_id`) VALUES ('2', '2');

The abuse entity for the entity registrar are linked in the entity_entity_roles table

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity_entity_roles` (`main_ent_id`, `ent_id`, `rol_id`) VALUES ('1', '2', '4');

Going back to our domain, we create an entity for the registrant

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity` (`ent_id`, `ent_handle`) VALUES ('3', 'registrant_myfirstdomain');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`vcard` (`vca_id`, `vca_name`, `vca_company_name`, `vca_email`, `vca_voice`) VALUES ('3', 'Jane Doe', 'myfirstdomain', 'JaneDoe@example.com', '4517894561');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`vcard_postal_info` (`vpi_id`, `vca_id`, `vpi_country`, `vpi_country_code`, `vpi_city`, `vpi_street1`, `vpi_state`, `vpi_postal_code`) VALUES ('3', '3', 'MX', 'MX', 'CDMX', 'calle1', 'CDMX', '01000');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`entity_contact` (`ent_id`, `vca_id`) VALUES ('3', '3');

We link our entities to the domain as registrar and registrant, remember rol_id is a catalog.

INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain_entity_roles` (`dom_id`, `ent_id`, `rol_id`) VALUES ('1', '1', '6');
INSERT INTO `rdap`.`domain_entity_roles` (`dom_id`, `ent_id`, `rol_id`) VALUES ('1', '3', '1');

The result of the inserts should be like the next json

Self links are generated automatically

  "rdapConformance": [
  "objectClassName": "domain",
  "handle": "dom_handle_1",
  "links": [
      "value": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/domain/myfirstdomain.example.",
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/domain/myfirstdomain.example.",
      "type": "application/rdap+json"
  "events": [
      "eventAction": "registration",
      "eventDate": "2019-10-31T00:00:00Z"
  "status": [
    "update prohibited",
    "transfer prohibited"
  "entities": [
      "objectClassName": "entity",
      "handle": "registrar1",
      "links": [
          "value": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/entity/registrar1",
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/entity/registrar1",
          "type": "application/rdap+json"
      "entities": [
          "objectClassName": "entity",
          "handle": "registrar1_abuse",
          "roles": [
          "vcardArray": [
                "John Doe"
                  "type": "voice"
                "abuse contact"
      "roles": [
      "publicIds": [
          "type": "IANA PublicID",
          "identifier": "123456789"
      "vcardArray": [
              "type": "voice"
      "objectClassName": "entity",
      "handle": "registrant_myfirstdomain",
      "links": [
          "value": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/entity/registrant_myfirstdomain",
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/entity/registrant_myfirstdomain",
          "type": "application/rdap+json"
      "roles": [
      "vcardArray": [
            "Jane Doe"
              "type": "voice"
  "lang": "en",
  "ldhName": "myfirstdomain.example.",
  "unicodeName": "myfirstdomain.example.",
  "nameservers": [
      "objectClassName": "nameserver",
      "handle": "ns_handle_1",
      "links": [
          "value": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/nameserver/ns1.myfirstdomain.example.",
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/nameserver/ns1.myfirstdomain.example.",
          "type": "application/rdap+json"
      "events": [
          "eventAction": "registration",
          "eventDate": "2019-10-31T00:00:00Z"
      "status": [
      "ldhName": "ns1.myfirstdomain.example.",
      "unicodeName": "ns1.myfirstdomain.example.",
      "ipAddresses": {
        "v4": [
        "v6": [
      "objectClassName": "nameserver",
      "handle": "ns_handle_2",
      "links": [
          "value": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/nameserver/ns2.myfirstdomain.example.",
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://reddog.test.foo:8080/rdap-server/nameserver/ns2.myfirstdomain.example.",
          "type": "application/rdap+json"
      "events": [
          "eventAction": "registration",
          "eventDate": "2019-10-31T00:00:00Z"
      "status": [
      "ldhName": "ns2.myfirstdomain.example.",
      "unicodeName": "ns2.myfirstdomain.example.",
      "ipAddresses": {
        "v4": [
        "v6": [

Where to go next